December 29, 2020


In aquaculture, ponds should be renovated before shrimp crops according to the guidance of specialized authorities to remove waste and harmful organisms and create a good environment for shrimp.

Pond renovation
Drain the water - remove the sludge - dry the pond

After each crop, a large amount of black organic waste does not decompose and accumulates on the pond bottom. Therefore, after draining the water in the pond, sludge must be absorbed into the reservoir and dried out. If there is too much sludge, you should use bulldozers to remove black soil from the bottom, bury or transfer it to the reservoirs at the tailwind. You must avoid discharging sludge directly to not pollute the environment and surrounding water or infect the disease to other ponds.

After draining the water and absorbing sludge in the reservoirs to dry, you need to plow and flip the bottom soil so that the bacteria, pathogens, and remaining waste can escape and decompose. The longer the pond is dried, the higher efficiency of the treatment is.

For reused pond liners, you must use a high-pressure hose to wash the entire surface of the liners, cover the pond surface with 5 % of chlorine to disinfect, then dry the pond for 5 days before supplying water.

Lime appliance<br/> In pond renovation, lime is used for raising pH level, improving acidic soil, improving alkalinity level, hardness level, disinfecting, and assisting in killing pathogens. However, each type of lime has different properties and uses for distinct purposes. Besides buying lime from reliable suppliers, farmers need to know some of the following essential information:

  • CaCO3 (agricultural lime) is white and slowly dissolves in water. It is effective in improving alkalinity level, increasing the buffering system, maintaining and stabilizing pH during culture. It is often used in the pond bottom treatment and renovation.

  • CaMg (CO3) 2 (dolomite or black lime) is black and slowly soluble in water. The effect of CaMg is to increase the alkalinity level and hardness of the water, limit the growth of algae, and stabilize the pH level. It is often used to treat water during the crop. To ensure the effectiveness of this chemical, lime should be spread evenly over the pond surface.

  • CaO (quicklime) is white, hot, and dry. When put into water, it will boil and radiate heat, quickly raise the pH level of the pond bottom and pond water. You can also spread it onshore before the rain to kill bacteria. Please take note, you should only use quicklime in acidic soils.

  • Ca (OH) 2 (slaked lime) is gray-white. It has the effect of quickly raising the pH level of pond bottoms and pond water. You can also spread it onshore before the rain to kill bacteria.

Water treatment

Sử dụng hóa chất trong xử lý nước trước vụ nuôi.

Impurities killing 

When pouring water into the pond, farmers will kill impurities, eliminate predators, vectors carrying pathogens, or competitors. A bad impurity removal will adversely affect the growth and survival rate of shrimp. Also, shrimp tends to catch some viral diseases such as white dots, yellow heads, muscle necrosis, Taura, etc.

To eliminate impurities, you should avoid heavy chemicals. Alternatively, you should choose organic products that can decompose quickly such as Mahua betel pulp, tea seed pulp, saponin, rotenone.


We cannot kill all the bacteria in the culture environment, we can only reduce them to a favorable level. However, grow-out ponds can be re-contaminated during culture via water, air, humans, or other materials in contact with the pond. There are many different chemicals to kill bacteria, but the most common one is chlorine. Please take note, the number of chemicals used should correspond to the dirt level of the water for optimum efficiency. You must comply with the manufacturer's instructions on the dosage, or else, these chemicals can remain in the pond water leading to adverse effects to the microbiota and shrimp stocked later.

Culture green water 

Culture green water helps to develop beneficial microorganisms and other foods, provide a natural food source for shrimp at the beginning of farming. There must be a reasonable combination between inorganic and organic fertilizers because inorganic fertilizers are fast but not durable, and organic fertilizers have a slow effect but have a longer-lasting effect.

Pond renovation - water treatment at the beginning of the crop not only creates favorable conditions for the animals to develop well and sustainably but also contributes to the improvement of water resources and environmental protection. Contact Green Solutions right now for advice and quality product request! "

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